
Saturday 18 June 2016

Miracle at Kara, Opic (Photos)

On my way coming from a journey out side Lagos which makes me follow Ojodu Bargar from mowe ibafo. Getting to Kara area in Lagos before bargar, I saw multitude of people both those walking with leg, driving and even commercial vehicles stopping by and looking down the bridge where Hausa people sells ram, cow and some other animals.

I was driving with some of my friends in the car, it was a very surprising thing to me what I saw.

The Kara canal that is always having flood like a river flowing in it both day and night now look very different. One side (where the Hausa people always stay) dries off why there is still flood heavily flowing on the other side. 

I was able to talk to two people that I noticed have been watching it, and but of them told me almost same thing that it's been three days now this have been happening. 

I asked him if they know the reason why it's like that? they said is still like a magic to every one and they can not really say what is happening.

But to me, I will say this is God at work and telling us how powerful He His! 

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